
…every year at Grace each class chooses a mission project.

In the dictionary, the word mission can mean a number of things: an important task or job that someone is given to do, often overseas; a commission, errand or journey; a core purpose and focus; a Christian calling to go out into the world and spread our faith.

With this in mind, every year at Grace each class chooses a mission project.

This is an opportunity which has as its core purpose the encouraging of students to look beyond themselves and the helping of others.

They may not physically be able to go into the entire world, but they can help others who can.

They can help locally, nationally or even internationally!

Below are a few of the organisations who the Grace Christian School community have supported:

  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Small Steps Project
  • Give a Can
  • Broadening Horizens
  • Gideon’s Bible Society